Day three in Hawaii was perfect...of course!
We enjoyed our day, went to the pool, relaxed, shopped, and had the time of our lives!
Dinner was a "Scent"sational dinner put on by Scentsy. Before dinner we were all to go get a "group" photo of us all in matching "Scentsy" Hawaiian shirts Scentsy gave us all. The shirts actually said "Scentsy". They were totally made just for us! In my opinion the shirts were totally ugly on though. CUTE off, UGLY on! I hate big shirts, I feel like a dork in them.
The great part about today was that I met another girl in my Scentsy group, Danelle! She was behind me in line at dinner, and saw my cute baby Jack and then said "Hey, I think you're my Director!" I was totally embarrassed that I didn't know she had made the trip. But she was so cool and it was great being able to meet her and eat together that night.
Day 3 was awesome! LOVE HAWAII!
White Chocolate Churro Crunch Snack Mix
4 days ago
2 other thoughts:
Tat even had a shirt for Jack??? Thats one amazing company!
I wish I had been there to see you walking around in that sexy little bathing suit!
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