Our little baby is rolling over both ways! He loves to laugh and be entertained by Sophia and Nick. He is such a happy baby! Loves to smile at me, his favorite person!
He has tried rice cereal, bananas, and apples, and really doesn't prefer any of them. He would rather just live off Mommy's Milk, right now.
As far as sleep goes, he hasn't really been a fan ever since he turned 6 months....I used to be able to count on at least two good naps during the day and at least a 6 hour stretch at night, but since he turned 6 months old, he doesn't want to nap or sleep at night. Lets hope this is a very small phase that will pass quickly.
I can't believe I can funtion most days with the little amount of sleep I get. It's a blessing for sure that I can do it!
We took Jack to his 6 month doctor well baby check up today, yup, me with three kids in tow! He checked out perfect! He is in the 25%-50% for weight and height and his head in in the 75%! He is up to date with his immunizations as well. He cried for only a minute- he is a very strong little guy!
We love you Jack!
2 other thoughts:
Way gorgeous kids you got there Andrea! :D I love the idea for the Earth day too! :D Where was that pic from? Looks like a great place to get treats at! :D
I can't believe he is 6 months! Where does the time go?
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