I'd like to dedicate this post to my friend Doorly!
She was the first friend I made when we moved here to AZ.
It was our first Sunday in AZ. We went to church, and it so happened that Doorly and her husband were the speakers in sacrament meeting. I remember her husband bragging about Doorly, saying what a great person she is and that if you aren't already friends with her, you need to be-She's amazing! To myself, I thought, either this lady really is amazing, or she has no friends and her poor husband is trying to help her get some! Later, during the last hour of church, I was sitting in RS, and basically scooping out whom I was going to be able to pick up as a friend. I was getting nervous, and honestly was starting to thinking moving to AZ was a big mistake. If I couldn't find a friend in church, where was I going to find one?!?!?
During RS, I was asked to stand and introduce myself.
This is always such an awkward moment, since you're not really sure how much you should tell, and this is the moment that your first impression is going to basically be made....
So being bold, (not really like me), I told them all about where we moved from, why, and that we have 3 little kids, AND that I am a Director for Scentsy candles (that was the bold part). In church I usually don't talk business, but I thought this may help the others feel like they could get to know me.
After RS, Doorly came up to me, introduced herself, asked if she could buy Scentsy from me, and invited our family over for dinner!
Since that day we have been basically attached at the hip-
Doorly joined my Scentsy team, I joined her in her love for running, and we both started our diets together,
http://www.kristiapproved.com/. I tried this diet last year, but wasn't able to stick with it once Dave left to the academy. I had to focus everything I had on my kids, and survival!
Now I am even more motivated to lose those last 10 pounds left over from Jack.
I started running, thinking that would help me lose the weight, but nope, didn't lose even a pound while training and finishing my first half marathon.
I am now training for a full marathon, and feel like if I'm going to lose those last 10 pounds, I'm actually going to have to start watching what I eat, aka, dieting.
I love the concept behind this diet, love the food, and love the results. Though I can't lie, it's really hard. The hard part being that you don't get any "cheats", not even a day, or an hour, nothing! There is no sugar either on this diet, and being addicted to sugar, this is very hard.
It's a 12 week program, and we're currently in the middle of week 3.
We've both lost weight, and inches already, and have visions of losing much more!
Having the support of eachother is helping a TON! We can lean on each other, and share our pain and our success!
This is a photo of Doorly and I after we finished our half marathon. We look pretty good, but we can't wait to see what we look like after we finish the full marthon this June!
Thank you Doorly for being my friend, for making me be a better person.
You FOR SURE have a spot reserved in Heaven!