Monday, July 18, 2011

Enter to Win the New Scentsy Cupcake Mid-Size Warmer

Hey Bloggy friends! I need your help!

As you know I am a Superstar Director with Scentsy.

I have a fun Scentsy blog that I update with all things Scentsy, and do Scentsy giveaways.

This month I'm giving away the new Cupcake mid-size warmer.

I need more visitors on this blog, and I'd love for you to go and enter to win.

The more people that visit my Scentsy blog, the more popular it becomes with Google.
Please click on the link below and enter to win, follow my blog, and help me out!
Enter to Win Here!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Scentsy Trip to Walt Disney World!!!

Scentsy Spoiled us once again this year on an all expense paid trip to Walt Disney World Florida!!! I of course had to work my butt off for the trip, but it's Scentsy-it's not THAT hard! :)

This year I took Sophia as my guest. It was a full week of her and I time at the most magical place on earth! We visited all the parks, partied till 1am, met lots of fun characters, ate lots of yummy food, and made memories that will last a forever!

Here are a few pictures from our trip (more can be found on Facebook, where most of my life is posted)!

Eating in France at Epcot

Hanging at the Animal Kingdom!

Beautiful Sophia at Epcot!

Meeting new friends!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

San Diego Marathon Weekend!!!

For those of you that have been know that I was training for my first full marathon, training hard- never missing a run, eating super healthy, improving my time and starting to actually LIKE running...then came the injury, a torn Adductor muscle that required numerous doctor visits, and MRI, medications, and 3 days a week Physical Therapy. The injury occured about 6 weeks before the Marathon. The Marathon soon became out of the question. Most days I couldn't even walk without intense pain, let alone run.

Me, being none other than ME, I was devestated about this...having trained so hard and having paid a large entrance fee to the San Diego Marathon, I could not give up all hope that something would work out for me. I tried to give in...and up, saying it was over, even posted here on my blog about how my dream had burnt down. All the while my husband was telling me to stop beating myself up about it. He insisted that the "house" hadn't burned down, and was confident that I'd be back on the pavement in no time.

I decided that I would still attend the Marathon weekend, but do the half-marathon and just walk it. I wasn't sure if you could 'walk' a half-marathon, but I was willing to give it a try.

Sophia was also signed up to do the 1/2 mile kids run, so we were going for her experience as well.

Here is Sophia and I at the Rock N' Roll Fitness Expo. Lots of fun freebies, and shops!

Sophia with her medal for finishing! She did awesome, running the whole time, and staying totally focused! She loved it!

The day before I was getting really nervous, how was I really going to "walk" a half (13.1 miles) considering my leg still hurt, and what in the world was I really thinking!?!?

So the night before, I asked Dave for a Priesthood blessing, and we had a family prayer. asking that I would be able to perform to my satisfaction, that I'd know my limits and that all would be safe and well. The kids learned a lot about Priesthood Blessings that night and I felt peace at last about the next day
Here are my 2 best friends, Emily and Doorly the night before our run. It was Emily's Birthday so we splurged and ate at The Cheesecake Factory! It was AMAZING!!! Later I found out that her birthday wish when she blew out her candle from the dessert was that I would be able to run!

So the next day, bright and early, I woke up and was in moderate pain...but I was still going to "try". When it was our corals turn to start running, I started running very slowly with Doorly, I felt pain, but not the "have to stop" kind. I just kept running, telling myself, if it was to get anymore painful, I would stop running and walk. I continued running, and 13.1 miles later, I had finished the half marathon! My time was surprisingly not that bad, considering I was running very slow, and at times felt like I was running on one leg instead of two! I felt peace the whole time I ran, felt Heavenly Father's presence as well as others with me as I ran. It was an amazing experience!
Doorly and I with our medals!

Now I am resting...going to give myself another 6 weeks before I run again.

I'm already signed up for 2 more runs, but they're not until the I have time to heal.

I am not sure where this "running" thing is going to take me but for now, it's something that I feel blessed to be doing.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Nick Graduates from Preschool (yr.1)

Nick graduated from his first year of Preschool!

This year he was in Busy Bee Preschool.
He loved his teacher Mrs. Bybee and all of his classmates.

He learned lots of fun things, and enjoyed every minute of learning!

Congratulations Nick! You're Such a BIG boy!

Girl Scouts Awards Dinner

Sophia really enjoyed her first year of Girl Scouts.

As a Daisy Scout she earned petals for:

Honest & Fair

Friendly & Helpful

Considerate & Caring

Courageous & Strong

Responsible For What I Say and Do

Respect Myself & Others

Respect Authority

Use Resources Wisely

Make the World a Better Place


Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout

She earned many prized for selling cookies (the best and most unhealthy part of Girl Scouts)!

She had a lot of fun with her friends!

*Sophia with her leader Mrs. Bybee.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

The House Burnt Down

I feel like I was in the proces of building a home, and the night before we moved in it burnt down...I haven't ran for 5 weeks, my marathon that I had trained for and was READY for is next week....I wont be participating, and it makes me so mad!

When I started this 'running' thing, I never knew the obstacles that would get in my way.

Yeah it was hard conditioning my body, but then my body started falling apart and I seemed to be more sick than I ever remember. I had so many obstacles and issues, I could have never imagined that I'd get such a serious injury, one that would make it impossible to continue and finish what I started.

Since I'm new to this, not sure how it will be once I can run again. Will it be like I'm starting all over? Will a mile feel like 10? I almost now can't believe that I was running up to 20 miles at a time...just 5 short weeks ago. I was in such a groove with running, my body woke itself up each day at 5am to go for a run. I was on running auto-pilot, and looking back, I loved it...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Early Yoga Practice!

Before I got injured (going on week 4 now), I was doing Yoga at least twice a week.

I was LOVING it! I started doing a 'hot' yoga at the YMCA, and it was awesome to sweat during Yoga, something I had never been able to accomplish before.

The other day the kids and I were swimming, when they both started doing 'down dog'! It was too cute!

Looks like I've got some future yogies on my hands!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Never Before Have I Agreed More!

I've probably seen this popular poster around for a few years now, and come to find out it's a saying that was published back in WWII.

It's just now that I'm like "AHA- I agree!".

It's been 2 weeks since my groin strain...still painful and still not walking normal, let alone running. But there is light....I will be seeing a doctor on Monday.

The light will really shine bright if I can start running again.

The marathon is 3 weeks away....

If nothing else at least I can say I trained, and had I been able to, I would have ran a great race!

I ran 20 miles a few weeks ago, and had it been marathon day, I could have done another 6 miles. My body was THERE....So I have to be proud of myself, and all the training I did.

There will be other marathons, other opportunities, so for now I will carry on and try to recover so I can be the best ME I can be!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you to these three perfect children for for allowing me to be a MOM! Though I am not perfect, I try my best each day! I am grateful that children are so forgiving and loving! If only they knew how much I loved them! They are my world!
Thank you to this amazing husband for allowing me to be a MOM!
Thank you for helping me make those babies of ours! If it wasn't for you, I couldn't be living my dream! I LOVE YOU!

Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sometimes I have TOO much going is one of those times!

This picture does NOT give even a hint of what my life is like right now

(and I hope venting will help it seem calmer)!

Besides my usual, 3 kids, Hot Husband, Self-Employeed "BOOMING" Business, Home & More, I've taken on a few other 'things' these days:

-Training for a Full Marathon- June- San Diego Rock N' Roll.

-Trying to lose weight-8 pounds down, would love 2-7 more pounds to go.

Training and losing weight requires me to exercise anywhere from 1-3 hours a day, plus know exactly (measuring spoons/cups, scales) I'm putting in my mouth. Nothing (almost) goes in without me disecting it's contents first!

-Healing an injury, that is putting a HUGE stop to my training and even weight loss, this is very stressful! I pulled a groin/leg muscle...walking is painful, running is out of the question for at least a few day, up to two week possibly...this is NO GOOD!

-Budgetting our family's finances- we make money, we should spend and save wisely, right?

-Trying to fiqure out how to have my whole family eat healthy- I am so concerned what goes in my mouth, but then turn around and feed my kids chicken nuggets and tater-tots...that isnt' right! Researching ways to make their food just as healthy and good too!

***WOW! It's times like this that I just want to be lazy, fat, and broke!***

BUT there is always good in every situation right!

Things to be excited about today:

1) I think I am healing, I can sort of walk normal today!

2) went grocery shopping for the week. Only had $60 (our weekly budget for groceries is usually larger than this, but we have a thing called renters...and they don't always like to pay on time, so the first week of the month is tight) in cash to spend (trying to stay within a budget, remember?!?!). I usually can't walk out of any store, let alone the grocery store without spending at least $100 something. So I went into the store with a list, avoided all the 'fun' isles that make me wish I was born skinny, and ended up spending only $43! My bill was cut in half since I am a 'loyal customer' and inputted my phone number at check out! Gotta love a savings card! I was pretty proud of myself! Now I am hoping to not enter a grocery store for another week. This will 1) help me stay on budget and 2) not tempt me with things I cannot have.

3) My kids are healthy, happy, active children, my Hot Husband LOVES his job, and is great at it, and I have a roof over my head and a pool outside my door! LIFE IS GOOD!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Da Boyz

I just love these two little boys of mine!

I've been really into buying them matching outfits too...gotta do it while I can right!?!?

Jack is now at the age (18 months) where he trys to do EVERYTHING that Nick does. It's so cute to watch him try.

I hope Nick and Jack are best friends forever!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Love the Smith's!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Can I borrow some of your Money Tree?

Wouldn't that be nice!?!?!

I've always been a HUGE fan of managing money, especially mine!

I can honestly say that when it comes to money, I'm pretty good at it.

I have never had "liquid debt"...and knock on wood, will never have it. I hate credit cards, and though I own one, it's only so I can get the free Gymboree clothes each month! LOL

I've always been so scared of debt. It's a very bad four letter word to me!

Recently I've realized though, that there is more to money than just not being in serious debt. I need my money to start working 'for me' in better ways.

Basically I want to spend more wisely and pay off the little debt we do have.

So starting May 1st the Super Smith Family is going on a very strict budget.

This isn't to say we wont have 'fun' money, that will include entertainment and clothes, and the misc. things that life tends to includes, but it is to say that we'll account for everything we purchase, and make sure it's on the "need" list.

I hope to be able to blog about our experience, and see where we'll go with it.

Our goal is to pay off both car loans, and Dave's school loans, which are from his Master's Degree. Which reminds me how lucky we are that those are the only school loans we have! Go US!

I'm so excited for May 1st to come! Can't wait to see where all the money goes!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

San Diego Marathon

A lot of my time has been taken up with training for this- The San Diego Rock N Roll Marathon! June 5th is the date, and so far I've gone though half of the training for it.
This Saturday I'm scheduled to run 14 will be the longest distance I've ran so far in my new running career! ;)

I'm really excited about this and even more excited to check it off my "bucket list". Once I finish, I may focus back on training for half marathons. We'll see though, I may find that I really enjoy running for 4+ hours straight...

There is even a kids 1 mile run that I think Sophia would love to do with me the day before.

Such an exciting time!

Wish me luck!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Meet Our Student of the Month!

Sophia was her class student of the month for February.
Sophia LOVES school!
Congratulations Sophia!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Doorly and I

I'd like to dedicate this post to my friend Doorly!
She was the first friend I made when we moved here to AZ.
It was our first Sunday in AZ. We went to church, and it so happened that Doorly and her husband were the speakers in sacrament meeting. I remember her husband bragging about Doorly, saying what a great person she is and that if you aren't already friends with her, you need to be-She's amazing! To myself, I thought, either this lady really is amazing, or she has no friends and her poor husband is trying to help her get some! Later, during the last hour of church, I was sitting in RS, and basically scooping out whom I was going to be able to pick up as a friend. I was getting nervous, and honestly was starting to thinking moving to AZ was a big mistake. If I couldn't find a friend in church, where was I going to find one?!?!?
During RS, I was asked to stand and introduce myself.
This is always such an awkward moment, since you're not really sure how much you should tell, and this is the moment that your first impression is going to basically be made....
So being bold, (not really like me), I told them all about where we moved from, why, and that we have 3 little kids, AND that I am a Director for Scentsy candles (that was the bold part). In church I usually don't talk business, but I thought this may help the others feel like they could get to know me.
After RS, Doorly came up to me, introduced herself, asked if she could buy Scentsy from me, and invited our family over for dinner!
Since that day we have been basically attached at the hip-
Doorly joined my Scentsy team, I joined her in her love for running, and we both started our diets together, I tried this diet last year, but wasn't able to stick with it once Dave left to the academy. I had to focus everything I had on my kids, and survival!
Now I am even more motivated to lose those last 10 pounds left over from Jack.
I started running, thinking that would help me lose the weight, but nope, didn't lose even a pound while training and finishing my first half marathon.
I am now training for a full marathon, and feel like if I'm going to lose those last 10 pounds, I'm actually going to have to start watching what I eat, aka, dieting.
I love the concept behind this diet, love the food, and love the results. Though I can't lie, it's really hard. The hard part being that you don't get any "cheats", not even a day, or an hour, nothing! There is no sugar either on this diet, and being addicted to sugar, this is very hard.
It's a 12 week program, and we're currently in the middle of week 3.
We've both lost weight, and inches already, and have visions of losing much more!
Having the support of eachother is helping a TON! We can lean on each other, and share our pain and our success! This is a photo of Doorly and I after we finished our half marathon. We look pretty good, but we can't wait to see what we look like after we finish the full marthon this June!
Thank you Doorly for being my friend, for making me be a better person.
You FOR SURE have a spot reserved in Heaven!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Sophia!

It's been 6 years since my dream came true to be a MOM!

Sophia is one smart, beautiful, loving, and kind little girl.

She celebrated her 6th birthday by first taking donuts to her Kindergarten class.

She was so excited to be able to do this!

We celebrated that night with friends at our home with a HUGE bouncy castle, pinata, and homemade pizzas!

Topped off the party with lots of gifts and cake and ice-cream!

We LOVE you Miss Sophia!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

our family

i love our family
it's so fun to see it grow.
i love how each of my kids are different.
being a mom is the best gift i've ever been given.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Jack is walking all around!

Jack first began taking his first steps in December, at age 14 months. He is now almost 16 months, and is finally walking all around! He actually prefers walking apposed to crawling now, and walks very well! In fact, the day he finally decided to walk, was also the day he started kicking the soccer ball around! He loves watching Sophia and Nick practise and play soccer, and now he too can join in the fun!

Here is a small clip of him walking around the house. Hopefully I'll get a video of him kicking the soccer ball soon! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A LOT has happened in the last couple months!

I know you're all probably wondering where the heck I've been...or maybe not, but if you were wondering, I've been all over the place- Utah, Florida, Bahamas, Phoenix, a cruise, running a half-marathon, Nick's 4th birthday, lots of soccer games, lots of girl scout cookie selling, Scentsy selling, Scentsy leadership retreat and much, much more!

I'd post some pictures, but I think my computer hates wont let me.
So until next time, hope you're all having a perfect life!