Monday, May 2, 2011

Sometimes I have TOO much going is one of those times!

This picture does NOT give even a hint of what my life is like right now

(and I hope venting will help it seem calmer)!

Besides my usual, 3 kids, Hot Husband, Self-Employeed "BOOMING" Business, Home & More, I've taken on a few other 'things' these days:

-Training for a Full Marathon- June- San Diego Rock N' Roll.

-Trying to lose weight-8 pounds down, would love 2-7 more pounds to go.

Training and losing weight requires me to exercise anywhere from 1-3 hours a day, plus know exactly (measuring spoons/cups, scales) I'm putting in my mouth. Nothing (almost) goes in without me disecting it's contents first!

-Healing an injury, that is putting a HUGE stop to my training and even weight loss, this is very stressful! I pulled a groin/leg muscle...walking is painful, running is out of the question for at least a few day, up to two week possibly...this is NO GOOD!

-Budgetting our family's finances- we make money, we should spend and save wisely, right?

-Trying to fiqure out how to have my whole family eat healthy- I am so concerned what goes in my mouth, but then turn around and feed my kids chicken nuggets and tater-tots...that isnt' right! Researching ways to make their food just as healthy and good too!

***WOW! It's times like this that I just want to be lazy, fat, and broke!***

BUT there is always good in every situation right!

Things to be excited about today:

1) I think I am healing, I can sort of walk normal today!

2) went grocery shopping for the week. Only had $60 (our weekly budget for groceries is usually larger than this, but we have a thing called renters...and they don't always like to pay on time, so the first week of the month is tight) in cash to spend (trying to stay within a budget, remember?!?!). I usually can't walk out of any store, let alone the grocery store without spending at least $100 something. So I went into the store with a list, avoided all the 'fun' isles that make me wish I was born skinny, and ended up spending only $43! My bill was cut in half since I am a 'loyal customer' and inputted my phone number at check out! Gotta love a savings card! I was pretty proud of myself! Now I am hoping to not enter a grocery store for another week. This will 1) help me stay on budget and 2) not tempt me with things I cannot have.

3) My kids are healthy, happy, active children, my Hot Husband LOVES his job, and is great at it, and I have a roof over my head and a pool outside my door! LIFE IS GOOD!

2 other thoughts:

Burton said...

I feel ya!!! Just wish I was super mom like you!!!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

You really are super mom! Exercising 1-3 hours a day!?!?!? Kill me! I guess I will always be fat, haha!

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