Today is Jack's 1 year birthday! The last year has gone by faster than any other year in my life!
There are no words to describe what this little guy means to me.
He is my baby, and I am his Mom!
Nothing else could be better than this!

Jack has grown a lot in the last year....

All about Jack:
Jack has 6 teeth.
Jack crawls, pulls himself up to things, and stands alone for a second.
Jack sleep all through the night (12 hours).
Jack loves to eat 'people' food- does not like 'baby' food.
Jack loves to sing, and can sign "more"!
Jack sits really good with Daddy, doesn't want to sit with Mommy.
Jack loves watching movies in the car.
Jack loves his big brother and sister.
Jack loves to drink from a bottle (when am I supposed to get rid of this thing?)
Jack loves his binkie.
Jack is the happiest baby!
Jack loves to laugh.
Jack has big brown eyes, that are known to melt your heart.
Jack is ONE year old!
We love you so much baby Jack Jack!
Happy Birthday to YOU!